Expertise in unusual and even exceptional situations
We are used to manage operations through unusual or even critical periods, to which CEOs are unfrequently exposed.
Operational practice
Our know-how – Dealing with exceptional situations that companies have to face in their lifetime – brings us to hold operational responsibilities and, in some cases, to take charge of the business. Our expertise acquired through educational and professional background constantly enriches thanks to our operational D&I missions.
Our driving motivation: reviving performance. This commitment may lead us to assume social mandates during our missions.
The passing of the torch
As soon as the company is back to success, we organise the hand-over. This handing of the torch process is key for the Company future and is a clear commitment to finalize our mission.
Proof through methodology
Taking into account all the experiences and skills acquired by each of the partners in different missions, our methodology is continiously improving. This methodology is applied on each mission and is our key differentiator and ensure the pertinence of our diagnostics and the efficiency of our missions.
Getting a common analysis
The diagnostic is carried out based on quantitative and qualitive analysis of the current situation. It concerns all the aspects of the business and identifies both weak and strong points.
Prepared in close cooperation with the company’s staff, this audit quite naturally imposes conclusions to all corporate actors and partners.
Explaining how to proceed
The diagnostic main output is an action plan, for which financial and social impacts are discribed and measured as well as the implementation is precisely phased.
This road map will be driven and followed by the Dirigeants & Investisseurs partner, in agreement and collaboration with the existing CEO and the shareholders. It will be shared with all the employees and the different stakeholders.
Respecting a strict code of ethics
All our missions are led in the full respect of a strict code of ethics : independence, impartiality, respect for people, professional secrecy.
To avoid any conflict of interests all the Dirigeants & Investisseurs partner will refuse any direct contractual relations during the mission and for the following twelve months period.
Collective responsibility ensuing from collective work
All of us are vigilant on the efficiency of our missions, our team working approach, and the sharing of our knowledge and expertise. Solidarity and constant personal development are our DNA.
Intervening in tandem
Each diagnostic is led with a minimum two people team so to inforce the opinion accuracy, secure the results and reduce the delays.
As soon as the action plan has been decided, one of the Dirigeants & Investisseurs partner will lead the operational assistance phase. The other partner will keep involved by helping his colleague in the transformation plan : both of them will share constantly their point of vue, confirm the decisions and monitor the impact.
Collective monitoring implemented by an experienced team
Every month, Dirigeants & Investisseurs partners meet together to share about their missions. Each leader report about his action plan process, the taken decisions and the difficulties met. He will ask his colleagues for their opinion or help about these topics. This team approach, based on the full expertise and sharing spirit of all the members, is the key differentiator of Dirigeants & Investisseurs. It will assure a real efficiency on the missions and give to the customer company a strong quality guarantee.